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2023 Annual Report

At Damm our passion for our products and our region combine to enhance people's moments of enjoyment. That is our purpose, our essence and reason for being, the goal towards which we work day by day.

Our Annual Report sets out the main achievements and milestones attained in 2023 through our purpose. A year in which we celebrated the 90th anniversary of Cacaolat and the 60th anniversary of Estrella de Levante.


2023 Annual Report
2023 Report on the Activities of the Damm Foundation

  • People

    We grow with people

    The people who work at Damm are our driving force, an essential element in making us a leading name in our sector. Which is why we aim to offer them outstanding value in the form of a working environment which fosters their well-being and professional development.

    5,735 94%
    people on permanent


    two people walking through brewery
    people talking in front of brewery

    world map damm presence

    We are international

    We promote our Mediterranean culture and our lifestyle on every continent. Our expansion process continues, and in 2023 we opened up new markets in seven countries located in Africa, West Asia and Eastern Europe.

    130+ 86
    countries where we are present countries where we
    export our own brands



    We promote talent

    We help to attract, enhance and promote talent to create an attractive and motivating working environment that incentivises the personal and professional growth of our co-workers.

    We do so through various initiatives and tools, such as our training platform, Damm Academy; the LAB1876 Talent intrapreneurship programme, now in its third edition; the Damm Young Talent programme to attract and offer job opportunities to recently graduated young people; and the new Graduate Programme, "La Masia de Cacaolat", which aims to serve as an academy for talent with the potential to be the company's future leaders.

    36,554 10,194
    of training
    two people talking in a meeting
    three people with cacaolat products

    woman throwing a beer from a beer puller

    We are equal, diverse and inclusive

    Equality, diversity and inclusion are vital in our global strategy, as they allow us to attract and retain the best talent, fostering innovation and bringing us closer to a fairer and more equal society. To achieve that, we implement equality plans at our companies, guarantee equal opportunities, eliminate any type of discrimination, and promote work-life balance and flexible working measures.

    Our commitment to allow our whole team to balance their personal, family and professional lives is recognised through family-responsible business ('efr') certification which we renewed in 2023, together with Estrella de Levante, which also renewed its Equality Seal.

    Socially responsible recruitment

    In line with our desire to be diverse and inclusive, we also guarantee the occupational inclusion of differently abled people and those at risk of social exclusion, in partnership with various social organisations.

    differently abled


    We would highlight our Cegos Award with Teams & Talent 2023 in the Talent Attraction and Integration category, for our collaboration with Grupo Social CARES.

    man picking up two bottles in brewery
    three women collecting a prize

    two people picking up litter on the beach
    group of people in voluntary action

    Our corporate volunteering

    For the second year, our volunteering plan #LIVE TO BE PART OF THE CHANGE received Corporate Volunteering Programme recognition at the awards.

    This plan encourages volunteering by our co-workers in initiatives to benefit society, the environment, culture and sport.

    38 1,000+  2,100
    organisations we have
    collaborated with
    volunteers hours of
    social action
  • Clients

    We deliver greater value to our clients

    At Damm we have led more than 250 projects to drive digital transformation throughout our value chain. We likewise promote the use of new digital tools in bars and restaurants to improve competitiveness and efficiency in the hospitality sector.

    We have acquired a 60% stake in the startup Nennisiwok, specialised in artificial intelligence, with the aim of accelerating some of the internal projects we are undertaking in the field of technology.

    man talking on the phone

    bar manager app

    Bar Manager, even more intuitive

    Our application for communication with our clients allows them to manage their daily business dealings through a range of functionalities which were further enhanced in 2023 to make the app more intuitive.

    38,000 7,100
    users on average
    per month

    Move & Flow consolidates its position

    Our self-service beer tap application has consolidated its position at major events, with new forms of payment added in 2023, such as Google Pay, Apple Pay and Bizum, to allow even more users to enjoy our beers.

    €100,000 28,000+
    turnover beers served
    screenshots of the move & flow application

    keg of beer from the beer drive system
    mobile phone taking photo of food

    Otras acciones

    - Advances in August, the app for the Horeca sales channel.

    - Gastronosfera: collaboration with this leading gastronomy and beer blog.

    - Beer Drive continues the expansion of this system for real-time monitoring of the beer tanks of hospitality establishments.

    - Prototype of the Filling Good glass, presented at MWC Barcelona – 4YFN.

    LAB1876, our open innovation platform

    We transformed our previous LAB1876 intrapreneurship programme, converting it into a global open innovation platform likewise intended for corporations, universities, start-ups and other agents within the innovation ecosystem.

    group of people giving a talk
  • Environment

    We integrate circularity and responsible use of resources

    Hence our ongoing commitment to a business model based on resource recovery and reuse. This includes the production and consumption of clean energy, the use of more sustainable materials, and improvements in the efficiency of production, distribution and waste recovery systems.

    100% 50%+ 90%+
    of Damm
    are recyclable
    beer packaging
    is returnable
    waste recovered
    at our plants

    can crushers on
    the Mediterranean coastline

    energy infographic
    cans with cardboard rings
    can compactor on promenade

    glass bottles
    beer barrels

    We promote ecodesign, recycling and waste recovery

    We continue to promote the ecodesign of containers and packaging, reducing the use of materials, improving their recyclability and increasing the percentage of raw materials of recycled origin in their composition.

    Six Damm companies hold AENOR Zero Waste certification, demonstrating that they recover more than 90% of the waste generated, preventing it from ending up in landfill.

    We continue to reduce our water footprint

    We calculate the hydrological and water footprint at all production sites, and implement research and development projects to reduce the quantity of water needed per hectolitre of product.

    4.60 hl of water / hl of packaged beer in 2023
    1.89 hl of water / hl of packaged water and soft drinks in 2023


    Since 2009, we have invested 1.5 million euros with the aim of reducing water consumption at the El Prat de Llobregat brewery:

    6.78 hl of water / hl of packaged beer in 2009
    4.5 hl of water / hl of packaged beer in 2023


    Since 2021, the El Prat de Llobregat and Murcia breweries have held the EsAgua Platinum seal, in recognition of the efforts made to make responsible use of water.

    water cleaning beer cans

    roofs with solar panels
    trailer truck for transport

    Committed to halting climate change

    We implement actions intended to mitigate the carbon footprint throughout our value chain: from improving energy efficiency and reducing water and energy resource consumption, to promoting the use of renewable energy and sustainable mobility.

    In 2023 we continued to expand our energy self-consumption capacity, to give us a greater area of solar panels than any other Spanish brewer on the Iberian peninsula.

    of the electrical energy
    we consume is self-generated

    We act in support of biodiversity

    Aware of the need to expand our spheres of action and impact in the environmental field, we promote initiatives to help support biodiversity, such as:

    - Recovery of the Spanish toothcarp, a Mediterranean fish at risk of extinction in the Llobregat Delta (Barcelona).

    - Repopulation of the River Tejadillos in Castile-La Mancha with European freshwater crayfish.

    - Release of the turtle Complot to mark World Ocean Day.

    - Continued naturalisation of the Estrella Damm Old Brewery in Barcelona.

    Our biodiversity protection plan was recognised at the Barcelona City Council 2030 Agenda awards.

    The Estrella de Levante Foundation also collaborates with and promotes various environmental and local biodiversity protection initiatives in the Murcia Region.

    insect hotel
    native crayfish
    sea turtle release
  • Society

    Our social commitment as a hallmark

    At Damm we maintain a firm commitment to society. As demonstrated by the way we support and promote cultural, social, culinary, sporting and environmental initiatives that have a positive impact on our surroundings.

    Through the activities of the Damm Foundation and the Estrella de Levante Foundation, and patronage and sponsorship initiatives promoted by the various companies, we continue to contribute to social progress.

    sonar concert

    group of people pose for an official photo
    group of people waiting to enter an event
    men's football team celebrating a goal

    Damm Foundation, supporting culture, sport and society

    Sport is one of the Damm Foundation's main spheres of action. The Damm Football Club and Damm Padel Club encourage sporting pursuits and a spirit of sportsmanship among hundreds of young people. Both teams also collaborate with various sporting institutions and organisations nationwide.

    The Damm Foundation's work has been recognised with the Impulsa Cultura Seal granted by the Fundació Catalunya Cultura. Its commitment to the social inclusion of people with intellectual disability has also been recognised by AURA. And the Red Cross has rewarded the Foundation for its corporate alliance and commitment, and for its contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    €4.6 M allocated to projects
    by the Damm Foundation
    250 young athletes trained
    at Damm Football Club
    and Damm Padel Club
    69 cultural social, educational and
    sporting organisations

    Estrella de Levante Foundation, committed to its territory and people

    The Fundación Estrella de Levante, now in its third year, continues to expand operations in its area of influence (Murcia, Alicante, Albacete and Almeria), where it aims to be a leading social agent.

    Its key operational areas are protection of the environment, focusing in particular on the Mar Menor and the basin of the River Segura, the preservation of culture and tradition, social initiatives in support of vulnerable groups, and the values of local cuisine.

    magic line event banner estrella levante factory
    observatory in a natural space
    group of people taking a photo at an event

    volvo ocean race sailboat
    waiter with beers on tray
    victoria official beer of the spanish soccer team
    world padel tour match

    Sponsorship and collaboration to share our values

    We share our values and commitments through an extensive programme of sponsorship and partnership agreements in the spheres of culture, cuisine and sport, while strengthening our links to consumers and society at large.

    33 68
    collaborations at
    gastronomic events
    collaborations at
    cultural events
    44 7
    sponsorships of sporting
    teams and events
    collaborations at
    other events


    We would highlight Estrella Damm's sponsorship of the 37th America's Cup, held in Barcelona in 2024, along with the 10th anniversary of the World Padel Tour in 2023.

    Visits and activities at our breweries

    The Estrella Damm Old Brewery (Barcelona), the Estrella de Levante (Espinardo) and Cervezas Victoria (Malaga) breweries and Cacaolat (Santa Coloma de Gramenet) plant are flagship venues in their local areas, staging a host of events connected with cuisine, sport and innovation. They also allow us to explain our brewing process and our history.

    44,144 visitors to our plants
    121,265 people attending events at our plants
    492 events at our plants
    old damm factory
    concert at the damm factory
    workshop at the Estrella Levante factory
    victoria brewery
    exhibition at the cacaolat factory