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"My way", the Turia campaign calling on everyone to enjoy Dolce far niente

"My way", the Turia campaign calling on everyone to enjoy Dolce far niente

The brand honours its Valencian roots

Turia, Valencia's toasted lager, presents "My way", the brand's new campaign honouring its roots and celebrating those sunny, hot days where the best thing one can do is to do nothing.

The dolce far niente is the guiding theme of the new Turia campaign, which challenges the accelerated rhythm of today, and invites us all to enjoy the present and discover the charm of a simple life. In it, a group of friends enjoy a day at the river, each in their own way, whether by sunbathing, watching the fish from the shore, or swimming. All this, accompanied by the version of the popular song My way, which celebrated singer-songwriter Benicàssim Álvaro Lafuente, known artistically as Guitarricadelafuente, composed for the occasion.

A campaign with which the brand has also wanted to honour its Valencian roots. It showcases natural landscapes of the Comunitat Valenciana such as Pou Clar de Ontinyent, or the Turia river itself.

Founded in 1935, Cervezas el Turia was born in Valencia to a group of enterprising friends brought together by their passion for beer. Delayed by the war, they would come to launch their first products years later in 1947. For decades, the brewery's different brands such as Stark, Golden Bier, or Turia Märzen, which stood the test of time thanks to its trademark toasted nature, were toasted in many homes and venues.

Run by Nacho Gayán and prepared by Pepe Colomer and Josep María Basora (The Pepes), the new Turia campaign will be seen both on national television, digital, and social media until next May.

About Turia
Turia is a toasted lager, amber in colour with reddish hues. The toasted malt with which it's made, gives it a unique flavour that reminds us of toasted bread. A balanced sourness, its citric hints and a light, soft carbonization, make Turia a fresh lager, ideal for accompanying our cuisine, particularly tapas and appetizers of intense flavour.