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Rodilla fights hunger with the Altius Foundation

Rodilla fights hunger with the Altius Foundation

Rodilla will donate around 400 kg of food per week to five soup kitchens in

Rodilla joins the Altius Foundation project with the aim of fighting food waste by donating an average of 400 kg of food per week from 22 of the chain's establishments.

These donations will be distributed thanks to the Altius Foundation to five soup kitchens in Madrid, through Glovo, a company that also collaborates in the campaign. The foundation coordinates a solidarity network between catering establishments, distributors and supermarkets, which donate products that, despite being in a good state for consumption, can no longer be sold, as well as logistics companies that distribute these donations.

With this collaboration, both Rodilla and the Altius Foundation aim to achieve a local impact, thus improving the basic needs of the families benefited by the campaign. In addition, following its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Grupo Rodilla and Altius seek to make a global impact, collaborating with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 (Zero Hunger) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

The Altius Foundation

The Altius Foundation Spain is a social organisation that works with unemployed families to improve their social conditions, training and employability. In addition, the project "1 Kilo de ayuda" also aims to fight food waste and advocate responsible consumption. Currently, the Foundation supports 2,200 families at risk of exclusion. Last year, the "1 Kilo de ayuda" campaign succeeded in delivering 850,000 kg of essential goods to vulnerable families, preventing 80% of the donation from being wasted.