Estrella de Levante, recognized as a family-friendly-company

The Másfamilia Foundation awards the efr certification, acknowledging the Murcian brewery's commitment to establishing conciliation measures
Estrella de Levante has obtained the efr certification for conciliation, as a Family-Friendly-Company, awarded by the Másfamilia Foundation, in cooperation with the Minsitry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030. This certificate acknowledges the promotion of measures adopted by the Murcian company, in order to favor conciliation between the personal and professional lives of over 190 people, which make up the staff from their work center in Espinardo (Murcia).
Rafael Fuertes, CEO of Masfamilia awarded the certificate to Pedro Marín, CEO of Estrella de Levante, during an event held at the Tasting Hall of the Estrella de Levante brewery. "We are very proud of having been awarded this certification, which acknowledges our involvement and commitment to guaranteeing the wellbeing of our personnel, whom we consider our company's main asset" said Pedro Marín. Estrella de Levante has developed an efr project, in order to consolidate a new socio-occupational and corporate culture based on flexibility, respect, and mutual commitment, through the implementation of over 38 measures in terms of conciliation, such as temporal and spatial flexibility, equality of opportunity with the deveopment of the company's equality plan II, as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities into the company's personnel through the creation of synergies with social entities such as FEYCSA.
The Murcian brewery thus becomes the first company from the agrifood sector in the region of Murcia to obtain this certificate after passing an external audit carried out by AENOR, who evaluated the set of measures beign carried out at the company in order to guarantee equilibriumm between its worker's personal and professional lives.
In order to privide continuity to this certification, Ricardo Lechuga, Executive Director for Human Resources, has designated a work team comprised of Enrique Guirao and Juana Sánchez, as efr director and efr manager respectively, and a team of professionals from different company departments: Yayo Delgado, in charge of Communication and Public Relations; Francisco Javier García, in charge of Health and Safety; Alba Linares, in charge of RSC; Juan Antonio López, in charge of Environment; Ainoha García, equality agent, and Marta Prados, in charge of Management Systems, who will ensure compliance with all the measures adopted. "We will continue working in an effort to keep strenthening our involvement with achieving conciliation and making this issue a competitive and differential factor of our organization", added Pedro Marín.