The MACBA Foundation teaches an art course for Damm's collaborators

The initiative stems from the collaboration between the Damm Foundation and MACBA
Last Wednesday 14 September, the MACBA Foundation, in collaboration with the Damm Foundation, gave the course "Undoing clichés to enjoy contemporary art" at the Estrella Damm Old Brewery.
The course, given by Víctor Ramírez, doctor and professor of History at the University of Barcelona, offered the keys to the evolution of art since the beginning of the 20th century, helping to dismantle the clichés that accompany contemporary art, and analysing how key events in history. Examples include the two world wars, the emergence of the mass consumer society and the social movements that began in the early 60th century and influenced artists and the creation of their works.
This is the second time that the Damm Foundation and the MACBA Foundation have collaborated in the organisation of this training course for Damm employees, the first edition of which took place in April 2021.
The MACBA Foundation is a private, non-profit organisation whose aim is to contribute actively to the creation and development of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art by building up its own art collection. In March 2021, the Damm Foundation and the MACBA Foundation renewed their collaboration agreement, with which they aim to contribute to promoting the dissemination of contemporary art and culture, as well as enhancing the capacity to generate knowledge and sensitivity towards the most current artistic trends.